Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Funny: The Blond and the Jigsaw Puzzle

One morning this blonde calls her friend and says "Please come over and help me. I have this killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to start it." 

Her friend asks "What is it a puzzle of?" The blonde says "From the picture on the box, it's a tiger." 

The blonde's friend figures that he's pretty good at puzzles, so he heads over to her place. She lets him in the door and shows him to where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then studies the box.

He then turns to her and says, "First, no matter what I do, I'm not going to be able to show you how to assemble these to look like the picture of that tiger."

"Second, I'd advise you to relax, have a cup of coffee, and put all these Frosted Flakes back in the box."


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Trust His Heart

So, maybe you've noticed that I haven't posted here in a few weeks. Some of you already know why, but if you have been wondering where I've been...

Early in the morning on Saturday, January 21, we received a phone call to tell us that two of my cousins, Andrew (20) & Aaron (16) had been in a car wreck. Aaron survived with only a few bruises and an injured foot. Andrew was killed. Their best friend, Jason (15), also died.

Grampy, Andrew, Grammy, Me & Aaron
March 2010
To make a long story short, we left for Texas the next day to be with family and attend the funeral. We arrived home very early last Thursday morning (Feb 2). 

I plan to write some posts over the next week or two about Andrew, his funeral, our trip, and some of the many ways God has shown his faithfulness to our entire family during this difficult time...but for today, I just wanted to share the lines of a song that I have been thinking about today.

♫ "God is too wise to be mistaken,
God is too good to be unkind, 
So when you don't understand, 
When you don't see His plan,
When you can't trace His hand;
Trust His Heart" 

Please keep our family in your prayers.